As parents, we are entrusted with the greatest, most valuable thing in the world: our children's lives.
I know that child seat rules are always changing (for the better!) and it's important to stay on top of the latest information. So I'm thankful that each year, The Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) hosts Child Passenger Safety Week, which is actually this week, September 13-19, 2015. This is a chance for all parents and caregivers to get the information that need to keep kids safe. Here are 2 important questions to ask yourself this week:
Is Your Child in the Right Seat?
Check out to determine if their child is in the right seat for his or her age and size and to locate a car seat inspection event in their area. Did you know you can register your child's car seat? By doing so, the manufacturer can inform you in the event of a recall.Is Your Seat Installed Properly?
The right seat means nothing if the seat is not installed properly. A loose seat or incorrectly installed seat can be catastrophic in the event of an accident. NHTSA has great online resources and tips to make sure you have installation success. They also offer free Car Seat Inspections this week where Certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians can inspect your car seat and show parents and caregivers how to correctly install and use them. Locate a car seat check event here:

Twitter Party
Learn more in today's #TheRightSeat Twitter Chat with @NHTSAgov from 2 - 3pm ET, where they'll be sharing valuable information and resources to keep our kids safe!