
June 16, 2015

GNO It Up With Cake Art by Amy, Collegeville, PA #CupcakesWithAmy

I learned how to be a cupcake master with Cake Art by Amy. All opinions are my own! #CupcakeswithAmy

Lady friends?

Are you treating yourself?

Because I've shared the importance of moms abiding by the Treat Yo'Self rule. Which is, essentially, to DO YOU every once in a while. Do something gives you joy, gives you a laugh and, above all, gives you a BREAK. 

Lady friends?

You need a Girls Night Out, stat.

And what better way to Treat Yo'Self with a GNO than with TREATS?


Locals, meet Cake Art by Amy.

I had a chance to GNO it up with a few of my favorite local bloggy buddies in Collegeville, PA. I've been to plenty of paint your own pottery/picture types of night's out. But I've NEVER had the chance to be guided through decorating my own CUPCAKES.

Yes, it's as sweet as it sounds.

Me. Concentrating hard. Note the flared nostrils of perseverence.

For the evening (put together by Amy and my awesome friend Steph), we noshed on delicious appetizers from the amazing folks at Appalachain Brewing Company while Amy gave us the step-by-step on making fondant into art. With the blank canvas of 6 unfrosted freshly-baked cupcakes, we turned out girly decor, such as zebra-striped pumps, handbags and margaritas - all in fondant form!  Amy was so patient, cheering us along as we rolled, shaped and cut our materials and turned them into edible treasures.

This is Amy, our fearless leader.

Along the way, we chatted. (As girls are prone to doing). And I love Amy's story. She's a mom who through a variety of circumstances found herself looking for a new career. What started off with a "hey, I can do this" attitude has turned into a thriving bakery business. A bakery that offers classes and private events. And, let's be honest, a host of mouth-watering cupcake flavors.

Amy even gets kids in on the fun with her Storytime and Sweets! events, where she invites preschool through kindergarten aged kids to come over for a sweet story, to play a game, make a craft and decorate cupcakes together. The price of $15 includes everything you need to make your craft, decorate a delicious cupcake to enjoy here or take home and your choice of beverage. 

By the end of my evening, I felt not only refreshed from non-kid adult conversation, but I'd accomplished something fun and artistic!  Cake Art By Amy is the PERFECT way to shake up your boring GNO routine.
I'm f-ing Betty Crocker.

Learn more about all that Cake Art by Amy has to offer on her websiteFacebook and Instagram.

YES. It was I who crafted these beauties.

Images provided from A Grande Life.

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