If you are looking for an easy last-minute gift idea, or just want to make something homemade and memorable for the holidays, this DIY Thumbprint Reindeer Ornament is easy and awesome. I started making them a year or two ago and give them as gifts to family. If the kids are cooperative (ahem) they take less than 10 minutes to make. And I love seeing them on the tree for years to come, exclaiming embarrassing things like, "Squeeeee! Look how tiny your thumbs were two years ago!"
If you are pulling this together last minute like me, you are in luck: this week, Michael's has all of the supplies ON SALE. The ornaments were 70% off and Sharpie markers are buy one get one 50% off. Luckily, the little jar of Crayola Washable Kids Paint
And I apologize in advance for the reflection of my phone and hands in these pictures. The ornaments are silver and super reflective and there was just no way around it, people.
Here's what you need:
- Brown paint (preferably kid-friendly and washable)
- Black Sharpie marker
- Red Sharpie marker
- Bulb Ornaments
(whichever size you prefer)
- Cute little kid thumbs (not pictured)
Step 1: Dip your child's thumb in the paint. Dab it on a paper towel to get off excess.
Step 2: Press the cute little thumb onto the ornament. Account for spacing if you'll have more than one thumbprint on the ornament.
Step 3: Let the paint dry.
Step 4: Add antlers, eyes and noses (black or red) to the thumbprint(s). Write name(s) and the year.
And...you're done!
So cute, right? Happy holidays, friends!