
September 15, 2014

Local Fun Alert: California Suite at Barley Sheaf Players

I'm kind of a freak about theatre.

In high school, I was friends with all the drama club kids. So I was at almost every performance of every Fall Drama, Musical and the like. I wasn't actually talented enough to be in a show. Oh, no. I can't dance, sing or act if my life depended on it. But as they say, "Those who can't act make great audience members."

Or something like that.

I have a deep love of plays and musicals. Most of my running mixes have several broadway songs on them to get me pumped during my workout. I let my mind drift off to a place where I can daydream about being the lead, belting out tunes to a rapt audience, and being the star of the show.

It has actually always been my dream to audition and be a part of a show at a local theatre company. Barley Sheaf Players, to be exact. One day, when I get enough courage (and time to spare), I hope to be able to share that I auditioned and magically got a part!

If you are looking for a fun night out with friends or a special Date Night with your significant other this week, you have a few days left to get tickets for Barley Sheaf Player's current show, Neil Simon's California Suite. Here's a quick quip about this comedy:

Over the course of a year, a luxury, Beverly Hills hotel suite is host to four different couples, as they navigate through the sometimes treacherous, often complicated, and always hilarious land of adult relationships. Former spouses fight a war of words over custody of a beloved teenage daughter; an insecure, Oscar-nominated actress seeks support from her husband on Academy Awards night; a well-meaning husband awakes to discover an unconscious hooker in his bed and his wife at the door; and two couples find their friendship in jeopardy after a cutthroat tennis match. Playwright Neil Simon seamlessly marries the real with the ridiculous in this fast-paced comedy. For audiences looking for luxury accommodations in the land of fast quips, fun quirks, and rollicking laughs; California Suite is the late summer destination you’ve been searching for!

This is an awesome show not to be missed! I'm all about supporting local theatre - and this would be a great way to to do it!

For tickets:

If you enjoy California Suite and can't wait for the next BSP show, they have a great calendar this season! After California Suite, the Barley Sheaf Players' season continues with Accomplice, opening October 17. And you can get in the holiday spirit with It's a Wonderful Life in December! 

For more information about these shows and The Barley Sheaf Players, please visit their web site at