As a parent, I've become painfully aware of how much things cost: a loaf of bread, a pair of shoes, a new bicycle. Things that I would have previously taken for granted are now on my radar because it affects more than me; it affects my children.
One thing that I am grateful for is my health insurance. We are a generally healthy family, but even healthy kids end up at the doctor for yearly well-checks. Throw in a bad month of ear infections or an unfortunate trip to the ER over a scooter accident, and medical bills can really pile up. One trip to the emergency room for a broken arm or a bad ear infection could cost thousands of dollars!
Many Americans may be surprised to find that although the Open Enrollment period closed at the end of March, Medicaid and CHIP is open year-round, and special enrollment is ongoing. There are certain situations that allow people to get coverage. While there will be another Open Enrollment season in the Fall, "qualifying life events" can get people covered here and now.
These qualifying life events include situations such as getting married, having a baby, adopting a child, moving, or losing your current health insurance. The uninsured are exposed to significant financial risk from medical issues, accidents or emergencies. Many don't realize that that more than half of the uninsured could find insurance for less than $100 per month (under $50 for people under 35)?
The Ad Council has partnered with Get Covered America to help spread the word about these options. Learn more about the options under the ACA by joining the #TakeCareHangout tomorrow, Tuesday July 29, from 2-2:30 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST). You can ask your questions on Twitter using #takecarehangout or by using the chat feature within the GoogleHangout.