
June 2, 2014

HBO True Detective Now Available at Best Buy! #HBOatBestBuy

The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.

My Spring has been pretty crazy (more on that later). But if there is one thing I have not missed, it's the buzz around the premiere of the new HBO series, True Detective. Every one of my friends in the entire world watches it, and have flaunted it as one of the best things on TV.

In other news?


(Sad Panda).

If you are unfamiliar with the series (double Sad Panda), the show chronicles the lives of two detectives, Rust Cohle and Martin Hart, become entangled during a 17-year hunt for a serial killer in Louisiana. It also stars two of my fave celeb guys, Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson (who are hear are phenomenal on this show).

If you, like me, are chomping at the bit to check out the series, you are in luck: True Detective Season 1 will be released on June 10th and available at Best Buy. Which is perfect timing, because Father's Day is on June 15. Can you think of a better gift to get Dad?

In addition to True Detective, other HBO series will be available and on sale at Best Buy from 6/8-6/14, both online and in-store, such as:

  • HBO’s Game of Thrones
  • HBO’s Eastbound and Down
  • HBO’s Curb Your Enthusiasm

If you are struggling over what to get the Dads in your life for Father's Day (or you are a big True Detective fan!), check out the great selection of HBO series on DVD at Best Buy!