And no.
I'm not pregnant.
(Because, friends? That ain't happening).
But I do have some big news: We're moving!
It's been a long journey and an insane ride. And now that we are just a little over two weeks away from closing, I'm feeling like I should probably tell you all the story - because the next two weeks are going to be cray-cray.
So, once upon a time, Hubby and I got married. And in the three years of our marriage, we moved like a bajillion times. Well, not a bajillion. But literally, like 10. From leases ending, to pursuing jobs, to moving in with my mom to save money to buy a house, we had a lot of change-of-address notices to fill out. We'd worn out our friends, we were weary from packing and unpacking, and we just wanted to be settled in one place without having to put things back in boxes!
In 2010, we bought a house in a town 30 minutes from our hometown. It was cute but unknown to us. And I really struggled to adjust. I was pregnant with Bug, I missed being close to my friends and family, and I was overwhelmed with all the responsibilities of homeownership. Hubby's salary went on a pay freeze, and not only were we mentally overwhelmed, we were financially overwhelmed as well.
Since the Market had tanked and we used the First Time Buyers Home Credit, we were pretty stuck for at least 3 years. After a while, I decided it wasn't worth being depressed over our decision. And despite everything I tried to detest where I lived, Kennett Square grew on me. So I made the conscious decision to immerse myself in my town.
And, despite myself, I really fell in love!
As our three years ended, we kept with our initial plan to put our house on the Market. Last April, the For Sale sign was staked into the ground, and after watching my friend's houses fly off the Market, I anticipated lots of showings and offers. So we readied ourselves and waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Showings trickled, most were not interested, and the 2 or 3 offers we did get were so low and were unable to negotiate, that we couldn't work with them. For 3 months, I woke up every morning frazzled to make beds and keep the house clean, just in case someone called to see the house. It was a very trying 3 months. I had imagined we'd be back to our hometown in time for Chica to start Kindergarten.
But that didn't happen.
After 3 months, we took our house off the Market and decided to stay put.
I resisted the decision at first, mourning the loss of the vision I had in my head. I enjoyed Kennett Square, but it had always been our intention to move back home to West Chester. We wanted to be back near our families, Hubby's job, and friends. But we were staying put. And I wrapped my mind around it.
And I'm glad we did.
Because I absolutely love Chica's Kindergarten Center. It's full-day, which scared me at first. But Chica has grown so much and learned so many things. It's amazing. I've gotten to work with local businesses, encouraging them to build their social media. I've taken on local freelance writing jobs. And I really settled into this house which, despite myself, had become home.
So as Winter ended, I was surprised by an opportunity presented to me by my Mom to buy her house in a year or so when she retired. We were settled in Kennett, we loved living in the borough. But this is an opportunity we couldn't pass up (for so many reasons that I can begin to list in this post).
I was conflicted to leave Kennett Square and scared to list my home again with the awful rejections still stinging from our last experience. We talked to our realtor and stepped out in faith, knowing that the cards would fall where they would. I was surprised to get a few showings in the first week, followed shortly by an offer. An amazing offer, actually. An offer we couldn't refuse. The cards were falling and I had to trust that this is the path we had to take.
So after a roller coaster ride of emotions, hating a town, falling in love with a town, failing at selling a home, and victoriously going under contract in a week-and-a-half, we are moving.
And I'm a little scared.
Because I want to. And I don't want to. I spent the first two-and-a-half years resenting where I lived. Then I fell in love with it. I resented my house, and it eventually became my home. I'm nervous to rent for the next year until my Mom is ready to move (although we have amazing landlords). I'm scared of change and transition. I'm overwhelmed (like, WHOA) to pack. Yes, it's true. We have only begun packing. Am I too late? I'm sad to leave this town and community that I've invested so much of myself in.
Yet, I am excited to move back to where we had always intended to be. I'm excited to be closer to our family, our friends, our work. I'm excited to have my kids attend the same elementary school I attended, and to raise them in the house I grew up. I can't believe their childhood memories will be running around the same yard, sleeping in the same rooms, and walking the same neighborhood as I had.
It's truly a gift.
So why write about this on Motivation Monday?
Because I need to get motivated to pack! To get ready for settlement! To transfer our utilities! To prepare my kids for the transition!
Did I mention I need to pack?
More deeply, I need the motivation to prepare my heart, to leave one home and welcome a new home. To readjust my dreams (again).
So, friends: I need to you walk me through this!
Please send me encouragements to pack.
Send me your moving stories.
Send me your tips and advice on how
to prepare kids for moving and adjusting to a new home.
And more than anything, thank you in advance for your understanding if I am a little wacky for the next few weeks! AUGH!