I came across this image on Pinterest recently:
And it haunts me.
I go through my day, and sometimes the words just pop into my head.
What would you do?
What would you attempt?
What would you try?
I've shared how my transition to parenthood was not without a few bumps, especially when it came to my identity. And there are times that I believe the lie that my only skill set is mothering. I believe the lie that I'm incapable of trying new things, taking on new hobbies, going on new adventures. Maybe in some ways I have resigned to simplicity because the alternative would require being brave.
It takes courage to step out and try something new, putting yourself on display for others to see. But over time, since having kids, I've dipped my toe in new things. I took up running, which was brave. I ran my first 5k a few years ago, and believe me when I say it took every ounce of courage I had to step up to the starting line!
But if I am honest, there are a great many things I have not attempted because fear holds me back. Fear of failing. Fear of humiliation. Fear of incompetence.
So what are the things I would try if I knew I could not fail?
- Write a book.
- Run a half marathon.
- Audition for a play with a local playhouse/theatre group.
- Move some place far away.
- Apply for a "real job."
And this is just a sample!
As we start this week, I want you thinking about this very thought. I want it to ruminate in your mind, haunt your daydreams. I want it to scare you enough into bravery. And I hope that you and I will be challenged to try something new, failure or success be damned.
Now you know what I'm going to ask you, right?
What would YOU attempt to do
if you knew you could not fail?
I want you to take a few moments to think on it and then leave me a comment.
Inspire me.