
March 30, 2014

Start the Week Inspired #MotivationMonday

A few months ago, I shared a few good words: phrases that were true to the core, motivating, inspiring or encouraging. 

After a long weekend sans Hubby, dealing with a lost (stolen?) wallet, overwhelmed with work, and watching Bug fall flat on her face in the grocery store inciting a busted lip, I'm ready to fill up the wine glass and throw in the towel. 

Weekends are meant for relaxation and rejuvenation. 
So what is a harried woman to do when the weekend is anything but?  When she feels a little bit like she's drowning? How can one stop the momentum of a bad perspective and focus on starting the week right?

She looks at a bunch of encouraging quotes and inspires herself to KICK BUTT this week.

Seriously: looking at focused, concise words of awesomeness get me charged up. I see the truth, the hope, and I get invigorated!

So here are a few that got me motivated and actually looking forward to Monday:

What inspires YOU?

How are you going to start the week off right?
