
March 5, 2014

Mom Essentials: 5 Things I Can't Live Without As A Mom

I've often said Moms should really get bestowed the honor of Eagle Scout. I am the wife of a (proud) Eagle Scout, and while he scoffs at the notion, he also admits that mommas truly have to abide by the Scout Law to be a successful parent. Not familiar? Boy Scouts vow to be: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.

Moms: Does that sound about right to you?

The big one for me is "being prepared." Between my everyday bag and my car, I try to always have the  essentials for every situation that could be humanly possible for my children to encounter. From potty accidents to empty tummies, I am ready. I also need to be prepared myself, so that I am ready to face the day with two energetic (oh, so energetic) little girls.

Here are the 5 things I need daily and cannot live without as a Mom:


Isn't this the top thing for every Mom? I recent made the switch away from coffee (gasp!), mainly because I didn't like that when I stopped drinking coffee I had a withdrawal headache. So now I imbibe on the java every once in a while, and get my daily caffeine from black tea (Tea of Choice: Spiced Chai Tea with a bit of stevia and creamer to make it a healthified version of Chai Tea Latte. Smart, right?). 

Whatever the source, caffeine is a must-have. Otherwise I cease to function. 



Yes, my girls are both potty trained. But I find that I still need to have a pack of wipes on hand. Why? Well, sometimes certain on-the-go kid potty trips could use an extra special wipe (don't "eww" me - you know it's true).  Also? While my kids are potty trained, they have yet to master being "Eating and Staying Clean" trained. I have to wipe hands and mouths constantly. I also like having them on hand because I try to sneak in a run while they are at school, and it's a quick way to semi-freshen up.

Just don't sniff too close to my armpits, savvy?

Extra Outfit

Yep. I keep them in the back of the car. I have an "uh-oh" outfit for each of the girls (and an "uh-oh" shirt for me) in my trunk. It's just practical. We still have potty accidents from time to time. Chica is especially sensitive to being wet or dirty. So if she spills even a little bit of water on herself while we are out to dinner, she prefers to change. Sometimes it's something as simple as going swimming in the Summer and having a change of clothes to swap into after you dry off!


Oh the snacky-snacks. I keep them in my everyday bag, in a child-accessible shelf in the fridge and on-hand in my pantry. Usually a few small boxes of raisins, cut up strawberries or snack bags of Goldfish Crackers. It is inevitable that at some point during the day (or the moment we walk in the door) I hear the words, "Moooooom. I'm huuuuuungry."  This is also true the moment I pull out of the driveway. It's like they hear the parking brake release and it triggers a salivation reflex, causing an immediate desire to eat anything and everything in sight. So, to keep kids appeased and sated, I keep small healthy snacks on hand for all occasions. 

Let's be honest. I like snacks too. 

Usually Nutella-covered ones.

Me Time

Is that selfish? Maybe. But I found I am a better Mom when I make sure my needs are met. In that, if I spend my day pouring out, pouring out, pouring out, but never pouring back in, I become ineffective. I become frustrated, impatient and resentful. So I try to have a little time every day where I get "Me Time." Sometimes it is while they are both at school and I can run errands alone and in peace. Other days, it is during my run after Hubby gets home from work. On special occasions it is a scheduled GNO with my other Momma Pals. It can be as simple as deep breathing with my eyes closed while the kids happily play or watching my favorite show and eating dessert after the kids are in bed. But I need it daily, in some small dose, to be the best Mom I can be!

Bonus: Nutella.

Because, of course.

What are the 5 Mom Essentials YOU can't live without?