One of my biggest fears as a writer and social media manager is that one day I will wake up, sit down to do work and…
That nothing will come forth from my mind. That instead of finding words and phrases to weave together into harmonious posts, articles and plots, that I will find a Sea of Nothingness. A blank slate with no promise of witty prose, philosophical banter or meditative thoughts. A never-ending Writer's Block resulting in a parched desert of dying imagination.
My fear is that one day my creative will be broken.
For. Ev. Er.
Despite my fears, this has yet to happen. My job relies on my ability to create new ideas and to form those ideas into meaningful words and phrases. I have hit my fair share of Writer's Block. I've been frustrated by the inkling of an idea, seemingly unable to get the full birth of it in my mind's grasp. I've looked a deadline in the eye, a scary game of Chicken with my mind, wondering if the article would be completed in time.
I've found a few ways to combat the inevitable Writer's Block and to keep my creative stoked and ready for action. Here are some ways to "feed your creative" as a writer:
Walk Away
Sometimes it is difficult to do, especially when there is a deadline looming. But take a break. Walk away from the project. We get ourselves so wrapped up and frustrated in a piece we are working on, that we end up being our own creative juices roadblock ! Walking away for a day, an afternoon or even just half an hour can help to break down whatever is blocking your writing.Listen to Music
I don't know if it does something to pump up our neurons or brainwaves or whatever. But adding some melody and harmony to a work session can do wonders for your creative. I have a special "Steph Working Mix" on iTunes that is a good mix of pumped up bass beats and graceful slow songs that work together to give my mind a jump start when I'm stuck.Read More Books
This is an excellent piece of advice that I received from none other than my own husband. He's an English teacher, and when we discuss what makes someone a better writer, it's the advice he always brings back to the conversation. We often tell ourselves we don't have time to read amidst the million other things in our day. But reading enhances your mind, and we learn from authors about writing style, word use, grammar and creative ways to use phrases for a powerful effect. Take what you read and apply it to your writing!Exercise
I can say with absolute certainty that I have my best creative ideas while I am running. Maybe it's the endorphins, but as my blood is pumping and my mind is freely wandering, I am joyfully bombarded with new ideas for creative prose, media content, and blog posts. If you find yourself in a frustrating season of writer's block, go for a walk, a jog or hit the gym. Whatever gets your heart rate up. You might be surprised with what your brain releases!Free Write
Free writing is a great way to unlock hidden ideas and creativity. Essentially, you take a blank sheet of paper or blank word document and write (or type) for a small period of time. Go for 10 minutes or 20 minutes. Just put down whatever comes to mind, even if it is, "I'm writing because I'm writing because I'm writing." Let it flow freely. Don't worry about grammar or punctuation. Don't correct. Just write. It's kind of like shaking out your whole body to let the muscles relax. Somehow the brain will let it's guard down and begin to organize thoughts and ideas.
What are YOUR ideas for overcoming Writer's Block
and "Feeding Your Creative?"

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