
January 10, 2014

Pinterest Picture Perfect Challenge: Polka Dots + Blazers #FashionFriday

Today I'm linking up with Fashion Friday. Check out all the posts for more fashion inspiration!

Thanks to the chaos of holidays and getting obsessed with Sherlock  (HELLO? Benedict + Martin? LOVE!) and my laptop keyboard dying and generally having a lack of inspiring things in my closet, I took a short hiatus from my Fashion Friday posts in the month of December. 


I am all caught up on Sherlock, the chaos of the holidays is behind me, and thanks to some gift cards/exchanges/holiday money, I was able to remedy the lack of inspiring things in my closet with some post-holiday shopping trips!


I've been loving my Pinterest App for shopping. As I shared in my past Picture Perfect posts, I am not naturally creative in the fashion department. I do best when I can look at a picture of something that I like and recreating it for myself. 

Thus, the Picture Perfect Challenge was born. 

So, I have spent time meandering around Pinterest and pinning outfits that strike me onto my My Style board. It actually makes shopping EASIER. No more struggling over what I want, what I need, what I like. I can open up my Pinterest app and scroll through the pictures, reminding myself of what items I want to add to my closet over time. Then, when I come upon them in a store (and BONUS if they are on sale ::bestillmyheart::), there is no more doubt as to whether or not it's a bad purchase.


First, the pinspiration:



(And this picture also makes me kind of want to get bangs again).

Thanks to an overwhelming sale at J. Crew, I found the polka dot blouse on super duper sale (since that sale is over, this polka dot blouse would also work). THEN, on a chance evening at my local outlet mall, I found the piece de resistance: a blue blazer .

And now I'm set!

Here is my recreation:

Why so serious?

You know I can't resist a bit of flare.

I love that this outfit is chill and casual yet professional and chic at the same time. That allows me to wear it to a work event or just to preschool pick up. And when at all there is ever an opportunity, #PutAScarfOnIt, amiright?

How'd I do?

Now it's your turn:

How are you making fashion INSPIRATIONS into REALITIES?

Do you have a Picture Perfect Challenge that you've completed? Send it to me, so I can showcase it!