
January 28, 2014

Pepperoni Bread {Guest Post from Carrie of Chockababy}

With Superbowl just around the corner, my good friend Carrie of Chockababy is sharing her Pepperoni Bread recipe here on the ol' blog today. And I can only skim it because the pictures alone make my mouth water and I move toward the keys so I can drive to the store to get ingredients…

Thanks Carrie!

-- Steph



I'm Carrie from Chockababy!

And I am SUPER stoked for the Super Bowl this weekend! I don't care about the game so much, for me it's all about the food. I can't wait to eat fatty goodness and drink some good craft beer (insert Steph note here: HECK YES)! It's just how I roll on Superbowl Sunday! 

 I love to cook and bake, but most of my recipes are allergy-friendly. If that's your thing, come on over and visit sometime! But today I have a cheesy, egg-y, deliciously savory treat for you. It's a family recipe we have been making for years, and has become a stable for football games. I used to make just one but now I tend to make 2 or 3 to keep everyone happy! I hope you can make and enjoy this ooey, gooey goodness this weekend!

pepperoni bread recipe


  • Frozen bread dough (I buy Bridgford, but whatever you can find.)
  • Pepperoni, 1/2 of a pillow package or 1/4 lb. of fresh sliced from the deli
  • Provolone, 1/4 lb. sliced from the deli
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup grated parm (the cheap stuff)
  • Italian seasoning


  1. Follow the direction for the frozen dough to thaw and then rise for 3-6 hours.
  2. Once the dough is risen, roll out into a large rectangle.
  3. Combine the egg and grated parmesan in a small bowl and mix well. Spread most of the mixture onto the dough, leaving about 1 - 2 Tablespoons in the bowl for later.
  4. Layer the cheese on top of the egg mixture. Follow with a layer of Pepperoni and roll it up.
  5. Roll dough so it is resting on the seam. Brush the top with the leftover egg mixture and sprinkle with Italian Seasoning.
  6. Bake at 350 for 25 minutes until crusty and brown.
  7. Let cool for a few minutes before slicing. Enjoy!

Carrie blogs over at Chockababy on parenting, motherhood, and food allergies. Please give her a visit! You can also find her on Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | G+.

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