
December 3, 2013

Top 10 Holiday Movies/Shows to Watch

There are many things that make holidays special:


We love the opportunity to see and celebrate with people we don't normally get to spend time with. We enjoy the traditions of gift swaps, hanging up stocking and decorating the tree. We gobble up the cookies that seem to taste a little more special this time of year. And impatiently wait for radio stations to begin playing Christmas music.

There is another experience we anxiously anticipate during the holidays: Holiday Movies and TV Specials.

I look forward to these holiday-themed forms of entertainment all year long. Because let's be honest: watching Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (the claymation version, of course, because no other will compare) in July just seems wrong. The annual Watching of Holiday Entertainment is just another tradition to get excited about. It brings back memories of watching those very shows or movies as a child.

Unfortunately, media has capitalized on this phenomenon and vomited a gagillion Christmas movies and specials. You could watch some holiday-themed movie at any hour of the day from the week of Thanksgiving until New Years. And I'm going to say it: Many of these new movies are crap. 

Hallmark Channel, ABC Family and Lifetime, I'm looking at you. 

How many movies does one need to endure that revolve around unrequited love reuniting under the mistletoe? Holiday engagements? And Golden Retrievers saving Christmas? A third sequel to Frosty?

Answer: Not many.

So I've compiled a short list of the Must-See Holiday Movies/Specials that I can't miss each year. All of the movies on my list meet strict criteria (i.e.: revolve around the holiday of Christmas, bring seasonal cheer, and other crap like that). Some may be obscure, but have significance to me from my own life or childhood. 

Here is the list, in no particular order:

Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer
(Claymation version)

(cartoon NOT Jim Carrey)

And I cannot forget one of my all-time favorites (which will make this a bonus #11):


This is not a complete list, mind you. There are quite a few more I love watching and jump at the chance to view. These are the movies I need to watch to make my Christmas Season complete.

Since I have already missed quite a few opportunities to DVR some of my faves (many are on after the girls are asleep, unfortunately), I wanted to share a great resource. My bloggy (and real life) friend, Jenn, of Jersey Family Fun has an exhaustive and complete Holiday Show Schedule. Just pick the day from Rudolph's Roundup, and find out what specials are on! Thanks Jenn!

Also - SOME of these ARE available on Netflix Streaming!

What movies are on YOUR Top 10 Holiday Movies/Shows list?