
December 16, 2013

Take Time to Give Back During the Holidays #MotivationMonday

I've been encouraging you for the past few Mondays on "taking time" during the holidays: Take time to REFLECT, take time to HAVE FUN. This week I'm going to challenge us all to shift our focus from what we can get to what we can give.

It's easy to spend most of our holiday considering what gifts we need to get for our loved ones. And if we are honest with ourselves, we may even be dreaming a bit about what we might be receiving from others.

It's easy to forget, though, that there are many people and families in our own communities that are in need: need of help, need of resources, and, most of all, in need of love.

Take some time today to consider how you (or your family!) might find opportunities to give back to your community and be the blessing someone was not expecting this holiday season.

Here are a few ideas to get your hearts pumping:

Ringing the bell and collecting 
donations with Salvation Army


Volunteering or donating 


Pulling together a quick 
toy drive for Toys for Tots


Getting a group together to 
carol at local nursing homes

Asking your school guidance counselors 
if you can anonymously donate 
to a family in need at your school.


Bless an Angel Tree family in your community 
(to find one in your community, call 1-800-55-ANGEL)


Donating gifts to a local Children's Hospital.


Donating turkeys or hams to your 
local homeless shelter or food bank

Do you have an elderly neighbor who lives alone and could use some holiday cheer? Bring by a gift basket or invite them over for dinner. Is there someone at your church who is sick and can't decorate their home for the holiday? Surprise them by showing up with all the decor trimmings!

There are countless ways to serve and give back to your community. And don't forget to bring your kids along. They learn from a young age about compassion, kindness and love.

How are YOU giving back to your community this holiday?
