I have had the amazing opportunity to know the lovely Alison both online and in person for several years now. I loved her writing on Cooking With a Plan, because she always gave me new recipe ideas! But to follow her journey with William gave me a greater appreciation of her love, depth and strength.
After my recent post Take Time to Reflect During the Holidays, Alison messaged me. She shared how important reflecting has become to her and why the post struck a chord. Knowing her story, I asked if she'd be willing to share her thoughts on reflection with you, friends. Because we often forget during this harried time of year, for everyone that finds joy and togetherness, there are others who are processing longing, pain and loss.
There are some who are still healing.
Sometimes, we need to walk in another momma's shoes. It helps us understand our fellow humans, and also gives us deeper insight into our own lives.
Alison - you are truly lovely and beautiful. Thank you so, so much for your willingness to share.
~ Steph
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We are not simply a family of three.
We are four minus one.
A few weeks ago, Steph wrote a post
about taking time to reflect during the holidays. As I read her
thoughts and memories about the different ornaments on her tree, I
began to reflect on the ways we remember and honor our son, William,
during this special time of year.
I have spent hours online, searching
for clothing and toys for this dear boy. Would he like a shirt with
a racecar on it? Would he like a coloring kit? At one point, I
found myself typing into Google “What do 2 year old boys like?”
because I just don’t know.
My boy isn’t here.
We are blessed to have family and
friends who recognize William’s place in our family. We’ve
received numerous Christmas ornaments in his memory that we have
placed on a special tree in our front window. I turn on the lights
and my daughter points to her brother’s tree and smiles. Having a
place for his ornaments feels right, too.
We are still trying to navigate the
important and confusing process of including William in our family
traditions. The deep ache caused by his absence will never leave us,
but finding ways to include his memory in our home helps to soothe
the pain. Displaying his ornaments, blessing a young boy on
Christmas morning, and hanging a stocking with a “W” on it feels
good and sad and honoring and right. Perhaps as the years go by, we
will find even more ways to include William during this special