Can we all agree that one of the best things about the holidays is food?
Sure, yeah: family, friends, christmas movies, peaceloveharmony, blah blah blah. But get me to a holiday party with a beautiful spread of appetizers and desserts?
Consider me filled with Holiday Joy.
I love that this time of year affords me the opportunity to scout out and try new recipes, as well as cherish tried and true dishes that have graced my holidays for ages. I often turn to my food magazine collection for inspiration.
What, you don't have a food magazine collection?
Or, rather, addiction?
This problem started a few years ago when Amazon had this fantabulous $5 magazine sale. And I kind of subscribed to several publications. And by "several" I mean 12. Everything from vegetarian and gourmet food to fitness and backpacking. I couldn't help myself.
The only problem with having subscriptions of so many magazines is, like, what do you do with them once you are done? I can't part with food magazines. The idea of chucking any number of scrumptious recipes that I've never had a chance to try pains me. I've taken to cutting out recipes, which has become a messy and disorganized way to keep recipes I find in my magazine collection.
So imagine my joy of learning about Issuu.
::cue angels singing and trumpets trumpeting::
Issuu is the digital way to organize all of the great things you find in magazines all online. No hoards of paper sitting in corners or cutting out recipes you find. Instead, you create stacks (think of them as categories or "playlists" of content), and add content that fits the theme. Follow other user's stacks and over time you'll find magazines and articles recommended for you. Think Pinterest but for magazines.
I'm pretty sure they created it just for me.
But I'll let you use it too.
So back to holiday menu planning.
I utilized some of my old traditional recipes as well as recipes I found on Issuu after searching for food. HOLY INSPIRATION. I need to throw at least 3 parties just to make all these recipes and serve it to friends.
(Want to come? You are totes invited0
Like, hello, Kennett Square Mushroom Bruschetta from Aimee Olexy of Talula's Table on page 6 of Fig Kennett Holiday 2013 (I know. I'm biased):
Or this recipe for Mulled Cider in Home for the Holidays:
Yum, right?
So here is a quick menu I put together, whether you need one recipe to take to a party or you need all the recipes because you are hosting the party yourself!
All of these recipes would stand out great alone if you need something to show up to a party with, but together make a bang-up holiday party menu!
Thank you to Issuu for new inspiration and much online magazine browsing to come!
To #DiscoverIssuu to find your own holiday menu inspiration, you can connect with them:

So back to holiday menu planning.
I utilized some of my old traditional recipes as well as recipes I found on Issuu after searching for food. HOLY INSPIRATION. I need to throw at least 3 parties just to make all these recipes and serve it to friends.
(Want to come? You are totes invited0
Like, hello, Kennett Square Mushroom Bruschetta from Aimee Olexy of Talula's Table on page 6 of Fig Kennett Holiday 2013 (I know. I'm biased):
Or this recipe for Mulled Cider in Home for the Holidays:
Yum, right?
So here is a quick menu I put together, whether you need one recipe to take to a party or you need all the recipes because you are hosting the party yourself!
Cheese and Vegetable Spread with Dips and Crackers
Main Meal
Side Dishes
All of these recipes would stand out great alone if you need something to show up to a party with, but together make a bang-up holiday party menu!
Thank you to Issuu for new inspiration and much online magazine browsing to come!
What recipes are on YOUR Holiday Party Menu?