
December 30, 2013

Best of #MotivationMonday 2013

It's that time of year to reflect on life, remember the past year and look forward to what the new year will bring. One thing I've enjoyed about blogging this past year has been Motivation Mondays. It's a nice challenge every week to find something inspiring and motivating to write about. Whether I already have an idea or I have to think a bit, I always leave my Motivation Monday posts ready to tackle a new attribute about myself. Sometimes it's healthy eating, other times it's parenting or marriage. It's a great time each week to stop and reflect, to do some self-analysis, and to cathartically write about ways to be a better me.

So I thought I'd take a moment this Motivation Monday to look back through the last 12 months of posts and share not only my favorite Motivation Monday posts, but the ones that really encouraged my journey to a better me:

Here are the posts, in no particular order (of awesomeness).

I hope, as you venture forth into the realm of unknown that is 2014, you can read through these posts and find encouragement, motivation and inspiration to be a new and better you.

What are YOUR goals and dreams for 2014?