
November 4, 2013

Healthified Recipes for Fall #MotivationMonday

I. Love. Autumn.

(If you don't believe me, please refer to this post.)

One of the best things about Fall is the FOOD. The temperatures dip, we start to bundle up and hunker down with good ol' fashion comfort food!  Soups, stews, roasts. A full belly keeps you warm, right?

Well, while I love the warm heavy meals of Autumn, I also like to keep things healthy. So while I do indulge from time to time, I have been compiling a list for meal planning purposes of my favorite Fall Foods that are also healthified. 

Here are a few that I love and a few new ones I can't wait to try:

(using Butternut squash makes it "Autumn" for me, not "Summer")

Couscous Tacos from The Vintage Mom

Lentil-Edamame Stew from Cooking Light

Now I'm hungry!

What is on YOUR Autumn Dinner List?
