
October 1, 2013

Be Koool Prize Pack #Giveaway

While there are many things I love about our house, our yard has been a bit of a sticking point.  Not so much our yard, per se. Rather, the bugs that live in our yard. Namely: MOSQUITOS.

I know it's become a rising problem, particularly in the northeast where it wasn't so much of a problem before. We are seeing numbers of West Nile Virus increase, as well as type of mosquito. We are battling, in particular, with the Asian Tiger Mosquito.

He is not my friend.

Unless we are doused in dangerous chemicals, our yard is essentially rendered useless during the warm months. Otherwise, we end up covered in itchy polka-dot bites, which make us (and our kids) miserable.

I was recently introduced to the Be Koool line of products, which include these babies:

Be Koool Itch Relief Patches.

Whether it's mosquito bites or poison ivy, these patches help relieve the itching. With a two-and-a-half year old who can't keep herself from itching scratchy bites, we've ended up with bleeding sores because she'll scratch and scratch. The nearly invisible Be Koool patches help keep little kid itching at bay.

Be Koool also has a great line of  cooling gel sheets. These sheets can be used to keep a child cool when they have a fever, when you are battling a migraine or just to cool down after a workout!


One of my fantabulous readers will win a Be Koool Prize Pack which includes:

The entire line of BeKOOOL® products, a year-long subscription to FamilyFun Magazine, the book The Travel Mamas' Guide, and a BeKOOOL tote!

Enter below! The giveaway will run until next Tuesday at noon. 

Good luck and happy winning!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I was provided a Be Koool Prize Pack in order to facilitate this review. All opinions are my own.