
October 31, 2013

7 Ways to Wear The Simple Black Dress #FashionFriday

Today I'm linking up with Fashion Friday. Check out all the posts for more Fall Fashion inspiration!


Everyone woman needs one. For those who are scratching their heads, LBD stands for "Little Black Dress." This usually means a cocktail dress, an outfit that is your go-to for an event or night out.

But I'm going to introduce a new "Must Have" for your closet. I like to call it:


The Simple Black Dress.

I'm not talking fancy-schmancy fabrics or big brand names. I'm talking simple soft cotton jersey dresses. The SBD I encourage you to buy is short-sleeved, because this makes it versatile literally all. year. long.

As I've been doing my Picture Perfect Challenges, I've shared the outfit pins I've found on Pinterest and turned into reality (usually by shopping my own closet or finding new items as frugally as possible).  Last week, I remixed the SBD thanks to a pin that inspired me.

Here is Pin:

On a shopping trip I found the perfect short-sleeved black dress to make that pin a reality.

Short Jersey Dress 
(in black)

Can I remind you of my most favorite part?

The dress was only $12.95.

For that price, I knew I needed to be able to use it in a variety of ways. MAXIMIZE YOUR DOLLAR, as I always say. Or never say. But I should probably start saying it. 

So I challenged myself to find 5 different ways to wear the Simple Black Dress with clothes and accessories I already have in my closet. I had so many ideas, I'm going to give you 7!

Here is what I came up with:

SBD + Grey Long-Sleeve Crewneck + Leggings + Boots

SBD + Black Shoes + Pearls

SBD + White Oxford Shirt + Boots

SBD + Cardigan + Skinny Belt + Flats

SBD + Cardigan + Statement Necklace

SBD + Hoodie + Toms Shoes

SBD + Colored Stockings + Flats

Simple ways to mix it up and breathe new life into the SBD every time you wear it! I love that you can even dress it down for a really casual/cozy look, like I did with the zip-up hoodie and Toms. 

Why not, right? 

There are so many more combinations buzzing around my head, I know I'll definitely get the most bang from my buck on this purchase!

1 dress = a gagillion outfit combinations!

Now it's your turn:

How would YOU wear this Simple Black Dress?

Leave a comment - I love being inspired!