Happy 4th Bloggy Birthday To MEEEEE! {Video} | Confessions of a Stay-At-Home Mom

January 24, 2013

Happy 4th Bloggy Birthday To MEEEEE! {Video}

Four years ago on this date, I wrote my very first blog post.

I've had my bloggy ups and downs: good posts, bad posts and downright ugly posts. I have posts that no one ever stopped by to read, and others that keep getting hits daily

A lot has been learned, and I am grateful. But most of all? Most of all, I feel blessed to have been apart of creating the most amazing community of readers and Facebook Fans a blogger could ask for.

So, to celebrate, I decided I wanted to DANCE IT OUT for my bloggy birthday.

Virtually, of course.

I did a shout out on the CSHM Facebook page, asking people to dance and send me the videos. 3 brave souls (and faithful readers) took me up on the challenge: Jeanene, Bekki and Jeannette.

Won't you dance with me?

Thanks to 4 great years, friends. Looking forward to many more amazing years to come!

Here are a few of my favorite posts from the past few years:

(with sidekick The Turnip Farmer)

(aka "Why I Love the 90's)

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