Continuing to spread Recipe Inspiration cheer with Thanskgiving Recipe link ups! We've covered APPETIZERS and MAIN MEAL recipes (submissions are still open through Thanksgiving - so link those recipes UP!) - and today we are talking SIDE DISHES.
Couldn't you just eat an entire meal of Side Dishes?
Yeah. Me too.
I'm going to go with a classic Side Dish, one that my mother-in-law makes without fail and makes me super happy (albeit, a bit gassy?): Broccoli Casserole.
· 3/4 C Mayonnaise
· 1/2 C Milk
· 1 (6-1/4 oz) pkg Stovetop Stuffinf Mix
· 16 oz of broccoli: cooked, drained and chopped
· 1 C Shredded Cheddar Cheese
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix stuffing and milk in a large bowl until well blended. Add remaining ingredients, mix lightly. Spoon into 11x7-inch baking dish. Bake 20-25 minutes or until heated through.
YUM! I'm getting so excited for Turkey Day!
Don't forget - if you don't blog, no worries! You can use Google Docs or Instablogg create a one time post (see my quick tutorial on how to create a post for sharing in Google Docs).