Sometimes the holidays can make me feel quite unmotivated.
But it is Motivation Monday. The Motivation Monday before THANKSGIVING, people. So I find it quite fitting that I am writing today about ways to stay encouraged, to stay motivated, to be better, for the holidays.
I was recently contacted by the lovely peoples of Marie Callenders to sample two of their famous pies: Apple and Peppermint. In the email, Marie (can we just pretend Marie emailed me personally? It will make this much more fun and interesting) posed the question, "How do you slow down and savor the holidays?" I have been mulling this question over and over since I got the email. Because here's the thing:
I don't.
I don't slow down.
And I don't savor.
So when Marie C posed the question like this, it really made me want to. I started thinking, "How much do I miss in the months of November and December because I simply don't stop and savor?" I have two beautiful little girls. Their childhoods will only last so long. There are only so many precious holidays in which to slow down with them, to savor every moment.
I've been musing on how much I absolutely love the word savor. To savor means, "to have the experience delight in."
Shouldn't this be what the holidays are all about?
Yet, we live in a culture and society that rushes, shops, stampedes, tramples, and showcases all the ways of gluttony during the holidays. We stress about what needs to be purchased, if we have the right outfit for the party, over the unexpected guests, and the timing of every event.
But what we we slowed down and savored?
Could we instead see opportunities to be a blessing to others? Feel the gratitude of having our needs me? Joy over having loved ones to celebrate with? If we focused on the experiences, the ability to feel emotion, to serve those in need, to reflect on life, would we not be filled with a constant delight?
Oh how beautiful life could be if only we slowed down and savored.
So tonight, I slowed down. I hugged my girls tight and snuggled them before tucking them into bed for the evening. I came down and sidled up to my handsome husband who I've been fortunate to be married to for 6 years this December. And I popped Marie's Apple Pie into the oven. No stress in the kitchen, no mess to clean up. Just the simple act of opening and closing the oven.
We listened to music and fiddled on our respective electronic devices while the delectable aroma of apples, cinnamon and spices filled our home. We let ourselves forget the many things we needed to accomplish for the coming week: getting the house ready for out-of-town guests, preparing food, and getting the timing right for family visits and meals.
Instead, we savored:
And deliciously.
How do you slow down and savor the holidays?
(Stay tuned: next week I'll have a few more thoughts on slowing down and savoring with another Marie Callender's pie)
If you want to "slow down and savor" the holidays with Marie Callender, here is an exclusive coupon.
Now onto your regularly scheduled linkup...
Link up YOUR Motivation Monday posts
Whether it's a healthified recipe or fitness tip as your motivation toward a healthier lifestyle, parenting advice or encouragement on your journey as a better parent, thoughts on marriage as you better yourself as a spouse, we want to hear about it! Share YOUR posts about motivating yourself to be BETTER below.

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post and I was provided a gift card to purchase the pies to sample. As always, all opinions are honest and my own. I'm all about keeping it real, y'all!