Sometimes I am afraid to dream.
We all experience those inklings: ideas that start as a passing thought, but they pop up more and more. With each new visit, you find your heart races faster and warmth spreads through your chest. Maybe it's a new goal, a new job, new love, a new adventure.
But many of us experience the bit of darkness that nibble away at our dreams: the insecurity born from past failures, lack of support, and the undeniable notion that we are not good enough. Deep down we struggle to believe that we deserve our dreams.
Can I tell you something?
Listen close.
You deserve it.
And you, my friend, are good enough.
It can be scary to dream. Because a dream gives us hope, but it also opens the door to loss, failure, embarrassment. We might find that those things we secretly desire may never come to pass. And it hurts to lose, it hurts to fail, it hurts to let a dream go.
But striving, hoping, dreaming? It is what draws us close to greatness. Working toward a dream challenges us beyond ourselves, leaving us to achieve things we thought we never could. Yes, sometimes in our quests, we find that our dreams are never reached. Yet, if we examine our journey, we find that new things were achieved along the way and new dreams were born.
Dreaming is the greatest motivators.
So dream, friends.
And don't be afraid of failing. It might be one of your strongest assets on to new adventures.
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