Being outside is one of my favorite things. Back in college, I went on a 5 day long hike on the Appalachain Trail with a few of my friends, and it was one of my most favorite experiences ever. There is something thrilling and rugged about exploring, adventuring and living in nature - even if for a short time.
Before kids, Hubby and I went on hikes whenever we could. We loved to make a day of it: get up early, head to the trail head, and hike until our hearts were content. Then we'd grab a really fun dinner on the way home because we worked up such an appetite!
We have tried to instill this same sense of adventure into our kids. We haven't taken them hiking yet, but we do our best to take regular walks, go to parks, and let them explore the nature right in our backyard. Sure, it means they get dirty, they climb trees, they dig things up. But it is so worth it!
The U.S. Forest Service, The Wilderness Society and the Ad Council is presenting an AWESOME challenge called “Discover the Forest's Get Your Community Outdoors!” They are inviting anyone and everyone to submit outdoor project ideas you'd like to see happen in your community - something that encourages your friends, family and neighbors to GET OUTSIDE! One Grand Prize Winner will receive $1,000 to bring their idea to life as well as a $500 Frontier Airlines voucher to escape to the forest of their choice for a vacation.
How awesome is that?
Here are more details:
About “Discover the Forest's Get Your Community Outdoors!” Challenge on GOOD Maker:
- Challenge Brainstorming Tips:
- What would you tell or show someone to convince them to spend more time with their family outdoors?
- How could you get them there?
- How could you explain all of the benefits?
- Think about your favorite way to enjoy the wilderness and what makes that so great.
- Now, put your thoughts in words, photographs or video between now and November 13 before the online voting begins.
- Challenge Details:
- Submit an Idea from October 16, 2012 to November 13, 2012 (noon, PT).
- Include a photo or video that represents your idea. Photos should be in JPG, PNG, or GIF format, at least 570 × 345 pixels and no larger than 10MB. To include a video, use a YouTube URL.
- Write at least 3-5 sentences that explain how you would inspire your community to escape and enjoy nature.
- Only US-based organizations and individuals are eligible to apply. Applicants must be 13 years of age or older.
- Full Contest Rules: (discovertheforest.maker.good.
is) - Ideas will be posted for public voting November 14 - November 30, 2012.
- Rally your colleagues and friends to vote for your entry.
- One Grand Prize Winner will receive $1,000 to activate their idea during the months of Dec. 1, 2012-December 2013.
How will you get YOUR community outdoors??

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Hey! Share a thought or two - I'd love to hear from you! ~ Steph