I have been loving the Write It Wednesday post series. I need the challenge. I love taking a sentence and seeing where it will lead. Even better? Seeing how other people use the prompt in totally unique ways. You can catch up on the Write It Wedneday from 10/10 and 10/17, in case you missed them.
How does it work? I'll share a writing prompt below. You take the next few days to write a piece using the exact sentence prompt somewhere in the body of the work. You can go with any writing style you like: random paragraph, short story, poem, vignette - whatever tickles your fancy. I will post my piece on Wednesday along with a link-up where you can submit you writings.
This writing project is for ALL writers. Working those creative writing muscles is challenging but leads us to better writing. So don't be shy.
Remember, you don't have to be a blogger to link up. You can use Google Docs or Instablogg create a one time post (see my quick tutorial on how to create a post for sharing in Google Docs).
Here is this week's prompt:

Are the creative writing gears already turning in your noggin? Grab a pencil and write until your heart is content. Be sure to check back on Wednesday so you can link up. And PLEASE - leave a comment here if you'll be participating!