
October 11, 2012

Fall Fashion 2012: Steph's Wish List

It has been a privilege to host the Fall Fashion series over the past few weeks. My Style Panelists (the wickedly awesome Jo-Lynne, Kelly, Melissa, Julie, Hillary, Nancy and the Jennifer and Terra from Reel Attire) have schooled me.

Like. Schooled me. 

I'm ready to purge my closet, and finally let go (ie: donate) of all the outdated, ill-fitting and ill-fated clothes that I've been clinging to for all these years.

I've worked hard the last few months and saved up a little bit o' money to splurge on myself. Now, this is difficult for me. I hate spending money (remember my gift card hoarding debacle?) and it makes me feel bad because I immediately wonder, "What could I have better spent that money on?" But I think you can keep your spending frugal while coming away with some chic purchases.

At least, that's my goal.

Hubby has graciously promised to watch the girls on an agreed-upon date and allow me Steph Day. On Steph Day, I have the opportunity to go out for, like, an entire day by myself (or, let's be honest, with my girlfriends) without kids to shop, eat and be merry.  

I am SO looking forward to this day.

Because, friends?

We need "ME" time every once in a while.

Yes, you'll feel bad. You'll miss your kids. You'll wonder what work you are forgetting. You'll worry about the cleaning and errands that could be done.

But having time, even if just a few hours, where you can regroup, have fun and breathe?

It's healing.

To your soul.

So hear me when I say: TREAT YO' SELF.

Now, since I can't cart my Style Panel along with me (although I will most likely be sending pitiful help me tweets throughout the day), I can use their wisdom to create a list of some Must Haves for my closet.

So, without further ado:

Steph's Wish List: Fall Fashion PANTS

Steph's Wish List: Fall Fashion TOPS

Steph's Wish List: Fall Fashion DRESSES & SKIRTS

Steph's Wish List: Fall Fashion SHOES

Steph's Wish List: Fall Fashion ACCESSORIES

So how did I do?

Friends, take a day. Heck, take a few hours. And enjoy the freedom of relaxing, pampering and having a little fun.


Don't let this happen to you.

Now I want to hear from YOU!  What's on YOUR Fall Fashion Wish List?  Leave a comment - I'd love inspiration!

Who's coming shopping with me?

PS - For your viewing pleasure: Treat Yo Self

(This post is linked up with Fashion Friday sponsored by a plethora of chic bloggers including a few of my Style Panelists: Musings of a Housewife, Centsible Life, Juliverse and Girlymama).