
October 25, 2012

Annie's Homegrown Tour!

I've shared on the blog that I've become more concerned and aware about the kind of food my family is eating. I've doing my best to reduce the amount of refined foods we are consuming. I'm reading more labels, and I'm picky about what I put into my cart. Because of this, I spend a little more time in the organic/natural aisle in my grocery store. I realize that not everything in that section is healthy or perfect, but my goal is to make BETTER choices.  

And that's a start!

Next week, I will be sharing with you a review AND GIVEAWAY (repeat: Giveaway!) of Annie's Homegrown Rising Crust Pizza. I am grateful for the opportunity, as Annie's Homegrown (you know, the cute brand with the bunnies! We LOVE THE BUNNIES) is a brand I am willing to put into my cart.

So stay tuned for that.

Until then, I wanted to let all you local yokels know that Annie's Homegrown will be in town THIS WEEKEND!  


To celebrate the launch of Annie's Rising Crust Pizza, Annie's is doing the "Slice of Happiness" Pizza Tour!  Through mid-November, the Annie's crew will have visited 11 different cities - and Philly is honored to be one of them. Visitors of the tour will get to see their mobile truck garden, receive coupons, win prizes and take pictures with Bernie, the Annie's Homegrown mascot.

Mobile Garden!


The tour is a ton of family fun. If you are looking for something to do and want to know more about the awesome Annie's Homegrown brand, there are 3 stops in the Philly area throughout the weekend!  So really, you can hit them up 3 times. Here is the info:

Oct. 27, Noon-4pm
Harry Potter Festival 
Chestnut Hill Hotel
8229 German Town Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19118 

Oct. 27, 6-10pm
The Schuylkill Center’s Halloween Hikes and Hayrides

8480 Hagy’s Mill Rd.

Philadelphia, PA 19128

Oct. 28, 10am-5pm
Linvilla Orchards Pumpkinland and Costume Parade

137 W. Knowlton Rd. 

Media PA 19063

I am hoping to make it - so let me know if you'll be going!

Check back next week to hear about my experience with Annie's Homegrown Rising Crust Pizza and for a chance to win your OWN Annie's Slice of Happiness Tour package (yes, pizza will be involved).

Disclosure: I was given Annie's merchandise and coupons in exchange for sharing this information. All opinions are my own.