
September 20, 2012

ThermaCare Heat Wraps {Review and Giveaway}

As I've shared, Hubby and I have taken up running once again.  I completed my second 5k a few weeks ago (the first being last year's 5k, which I ran, survived and then promptly stopped running), and I have at least two more on the schedule (email me if you are local and want to run with me!).  

Yay!  Last weekend's 5k - I rocked it!

Getting back into the running groove has been difficult, with many days of near-death experiences and near-puking experiences.  

But each run has been a little better. I've gotten a little stronger. My runs have gotten a little faster. My lungs and legs recover more quickly. Each run is a practice for the next, and I'm excited to see where my running ability is in a week, a month, a year from now.

That being said, there is an important aspect of running: resting. Well, for me anyways. At this stage in my training, I can't go on a big run every day. My legs hurt, my lungs don't keep up or I get awful side cramps. I've found how important it is to have some rest days in my week, especially when I get some aches and pains that need some attention.

So you can imagine how providential it was when I was asked by the lovely people of ThermaCare to try out their lower back and hip heat wraps.  DIVINE INTERVENTION, I tell you. Because let's be honest: after exercise (particularly a run), what hurts? YOUR BACK AND HIPS. I couldn't say yes fast enough, and I knew that with the training I've been working through, it would be the perfect fit.

Wrap wrap. I love to wrap. I could wrap all day.
How about that?!

The boxes arrived on a week of several runs, so that night I popped one open and placed it on my lower back.  Oh heavenly. The constant but gentle heat was like a sweet sweet salve to my achey back. The wraps offer 16 hours of relief: 8 while on your body, and 8 after you take them off. 

Sweet heavenly heat.

Here's what I love: ThermaCare heat wraps are for everyone. Sure, it is great for me as a runner. But if I wasn't running, it would be great for me as the Mom: the mom who picks up her kids (sometimes two at a time); the mom who grabs several heavy grocery bags out of the trunk of her care with reckless abandon; the mom who simultaneously stirs simmering tomato sauce with her left hand and holds a lower cabinet door shut with her right knee so her 21 month old does not get into the cleaning supplies (again). 

Even when I wasn't running, I needed the relief!

To celebrate bringing consumers 16 hours of relief, ThermaCare is running a super fun sweepstakes on their Facebook page called Rally for Relief. Here are the deets:

Rally for Relief Sweepstakes:

How to Enter
·         Simply ‘Like’ the ThermaCare Facebook page to access the ‘Rally for Relief’ app
·         The 16th of each month is known as a ‘Rally Day’ – Facebook fans can access the ‘Rally for Relief’ app on the 16th of each month to receive an additional entry into the Grand Prize drawing and enter the monthly drawing for their chance to win cool prizes

Prizes include:
One Grand Prize: $16,000
Five Trips:
·         Scuba Diving in Cancun, Mexico
·         Hiking in Grand Canyon
·         Tennis in Phoenix, Arizona
·         Bicycling in Sonoma/Napa Valley, California
·         Skiing in Park City, Utah
·         Golf in Palm Beach, Florida

16 Monthly Prizes:
·         One-year supply of ThermaCare products


Also? ThermaCare rocks so hard that they want to give one of my lucky readers 5 boxes (that's 10 heavenly heat wraps, people!) of ThermaCare Heat Wraps.


Entry is easy: Just fill out the Rafflecopter below. Winner will be picked next Friday, September 28, 2012!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love ThermalCare lower back ones for that time of month! I also work at a desk so I get stiff hips pretty quick :-(

  2. Yay! You made me laugh about the knee on the cabinet too!

  3. Do I only get 4 entries total? Cuz I can't seem to get any more from rafflecopter?? Ty


Hey! Share a thought or two - I'd love to hear from you! ~ Steph