A courageous post from Kelly S:
The Effect of a Traumatic Past on my Parenting Today
Imagine that you are a bull headed young woman in a family of 13 kids. You are one of seven girls. It is 1978, and you are graduating high school. You want to go to college, but your father says that women don’t go to college.
You are stubborn. You fight him tooth and nail because you have your mind set on being the first female that you know to complete college and become an independent, self supporting woman. Your dad goes as far as offering to buy you your own car, in a family of 13 kids mind you, and says he will also give you $2,000 if you do not go to college, but instead, you opt to pay your own way through school and go anyway. This is your life dream after all.
But… in your junior year of college, your father’s worst fear is realized – you get pregnant.
Not only are your pregnant in college, but it’s with a jack ass frat boy of all people. Gross. Since your family doesn’t believe in giving children up for adoption, you keep the baby and marry the father like everyone believes you should. Now, this baby is the only reason you are married to a frat guy and no longer living your heart set dream of being an independent woman.
How do you feel towards the baby?
I didn’t know the answer to this question, but I have played the above out in my head many times. This scenario is what I know about the situation my mother was in at the time that I was born.
Obviously, it was less than ideal. There are so many factors that automatically made the circumstance a recipe for disaster – not married, not mature, no money, no job, little support, and the list goes on and on and on.
As a result, my childhood was quite traumatic. The interesting thing was that the dysfunction was all behind closed doors. My parents were church going, family oriented people to the outside world. In fact, most people classified them as “saints” for getting married, keeping me, and “working it out.”
Behind closed doors, I was physically beat rather frequently and told that there was something wrong with me. The list of physical, mental, and emotional abuse that I experienced is long. I will spare you the details, but if you’ve ever watched a good Lifetime movie, you might have some idea.
Growing up, I guess I never really felt the type of love that a child feels from their parents, but I didn’t know any different. My sister went on to get licensed to provide therapy to children in bad situations. So, she has a lot of psychiatric knowledge and has told me that my problems with my parents growing up stemmed from the fact that was that I wasn’t “unconditionally loved.”
Despite all of this, I somehow managed to grow into a normal, productive member of society. I went to college, got married, and even started a family of my own.
When my first child was born, I held him in my arms, looked into his eyes, and was immediately in love. As most parents know, it was a love deeper than I knew I was capable of feeling. It was, and still is, absolutely amazing.
The caveat was that all of these new and overwhelmingly positive emotions came with one big, and not so fun, realization – I had not been loved this way as a child.
It was the first time that I knew this was a fact even though it had been suggested to me before. When I held my baby in my arms and was so incredibly overwhelmed with love, I just knew then and there that this wasn’t how my mother felt about me. Of course I was sad, and it hurt, but I was much too focused on my new little love to let it really affect me.
Although I wasn’t too upset by this horrible realization, as time went on, something else was affecting me, and I was completely unaware. It really started when I went back to work. While I did know that I was losing my mind about leaving my child, what I didn’t know was why.
Most moms aren’t exactly jazzed up about going back to work (if they have to) and leaving their precious new baby, but I wasn’t getting over it. I cried everyday for months at the thought of my baby needing me and me not being there for him. The thought of him crying and not being tended to appropriately… ugh, it still turns my stomach. So, I did everything that I could think of to fix our financial situation so that I wouldn’t have to work. I even met with lawyers about foreclosing on our house…
In the end, there was no solution. I just had to keep working.
All that I wanted was to be there for my child, but I was gone so much at work. So, in my effort to work through things and be the best mother possible, I went to a therapist to see if she could help me. The therapist pointed out that it seemed as though I was concerned that my child wouldn’t feel safe at daycare if his needs weren’t tended to promptly just as I hadn’t felt safe as a child. She was exactly right. This was the root of my anxiety.
Parenting through this “post traumatic childhood” anxiety has been an interesting experience. On one hand, I would love to snap my fingers and the anxiety and scars from my past would be gone, but on the other hand, it is exactly that which has shaped my own family today in a positive way.
Through the therapy, I have become a better person, closer to my husband, and a kick ass parent. If I hadn’t had all of my past experiences, I never would have gone to talk to someone. I have learned so much through the therapist, and even more on my own once I knew what the root of my anxiety was.
I find it interesting how much a person’s past affects their present relationships and life decisions. Even without experiencing a significant “trauma,” everyone has negative experiences that shape who they become.
There is a choice - people can allow bad experiences to continue to affect the rest of their lives in a damaging way, or they can choose to use that energy to produce something positive for the future, which is the case for me. Although it took me a long time to get to such a positive place, my past of being abused has actually produced positive things for my own family today.
I wouldn’t say the same for my parents though. I feel sorry for them that they haven’t gone through the amazing journey that I have in counseling. I have landed in a place of peace and confidence (most of the time anyway…), and they are still suffering.
They’re not suffering because I haven’t forgiven them. I moved on a long time ago. I believe they are suffering because they’re scared. They fear what would happen if they admitted to themselves the depth of the pain they inflicted on me as an outlet for their own agony at the time. I wish they realized that they still have time to forgive themselves for the way they handled the “mistake” they made so long ago.
It’s never too late for someone to heal their past wounds. All it takes is a little gut to admit any dark inner thoughts and feelings to a therapist, or even just yourself, and the desire to change.
Kelly is a freelance writer who regularly blogs about lighter topics on her new site www.inthemomlight.com where she chronicles the usually funny, always interesting journey to find confidence as a parent.
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Kelly, thank you for stepping out and giving us your story. I am so glad you have found healing and hope you continue to heal. Hopefully your parents will too but as you know, you can't do that for them.
ReplyDeleteThank you :-)
DeleteHer story is amazing. I am so glad she was able to take her bad experiences and pain and grow into the mom and person she is today. So thankful her son is thriving and being loved : ). Don't you wish that all children could feel that sort of love? Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThe hardest thing for me now isn't my past, it's watching things that parents do to their children that may not be quite "abusive" but are still affecting their sense of safety and budding self esteem. I feel like mom to the whole world lol!
Deletebeautifully written. thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThank you. You have a beautiful name, Kelly ;-)
DeleteThank you so much for sharing. I'm looking forward to reading your other writing at your blog.
ReplyDeleteThanks Barb!
DeleteWhat an incredible journey Kelly just took us on. I am glad that therapy has landed you in a peaceful place. Thank you for sharing, it's couldn't have been an easy post to write
ReplyDeleteI used to not be able to talk about what happened with my parents growing up without crying and that was before I had my own kids who made me realize how bad it really was. All I could think when I had my son was how could my parents have treated me that way? I don't understand it, but now I don't relive it in my head anymore. I can (if needed) talk about it, but mostly I try to put my energy into something positive that I can do instead of being upset about what I can't change:-)
DeleteKelly's story hit home with me. Although I can't say that I had a traumatic childhood, I certainly didn't have the happy, well-adjusted life that it seemed most of my friends did at the time. I am a third (ooops!) child and shortly after I was born my father left the family for another woman. Of course, being Catholic my parents never divorced and no one ever talked about it. I got to see my father about once a week when he arrived with money for my mom. My mom had been at home with children for more than 15 years of her life, so it was about all she knew-she felt she had no skills and couldn't support myself and my one sister on a meager income so she continued to rely on my father for financial support for us. My mom did a heck of a job raising me and my sister with limited means(my oldest sister was already in college, so she wasn't really part of the situaion) And I grew up to be a pretty well adjusted person and am raising my own daughter now. Kelly is absolutely right that many people have bad circumstances but you choose how to handle them. My mom chose how to handle her situation and while I disagree with some of her choices, I do understand she did things merely to make sure that I and my sister were taken care of.
ReplyDeleteNow as I raise my own child, I am so thankful that she has a father that she can know and love and a positive male role model in her life!
Thanks Kelly for your story!
Thanks Diane! I always always always say that the worst thing that's ever happened to someone is traumatic for them. It's all relative, but I do think your father leaving would be pretty upsetting to anyone. I'm glad you are doing well as a parent and healing too :-)
DeleteThanks for sharing, Kelly! No wonder you're an awesome mom. Grace comes new evey morning.
ReplyDeleteThanks Carrie :-)
DeleteWow, what a story, Kelly. You're so brave to tell it, and to tell it so beautifully.
ReplyDeleteI'm a big believer in therapy. If we could get the whole world to go sit on a couch once a week for a year or so, just imagine what a better place it would be ...