This time, last year... | Confessions of a Stay-At-Home Mom

March 22, 2012

This time, last year...

Here is what I was writing about this time last year:

I learned all too quickly that even Moms can be Mean Girls...

...and the details on the new carseat guidelines...

...I created a Facebook Page...

...and the bugs had arrived (iccccckkkkkkk)...

...Not to mention I had a 8 week old baby who wouldn't sleep and a 2 1/2 year old adjusting to life as a big sister.  We were still adjusting to being homeowners (ok, we're STILL adjusting!), I was just starting to dabble in social media. I was 10 pounds heavier.  I had not yet discovered the awesomeness that is Mad Men (and New Girl hadn't even premiered yet!).  We had only begun talks of preschool options for Little Chica.  Our bedroom was still painted white.

And I couldn't imagine what my life would be like in 365 days.

Isn't is amazing how much changes in one year?

How has your life changed in the past year?

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