Hope you are having a nice weekend so far. Ok, so I know: Posts have been low to nonexistent over the last month. I'm aware. It seems I took a somewhat informal Holiday Hiatus. This translates to the holidays were crazy, we were trying to figure some life stuff out, and then BAM it's 2012 and both kids are sick.
Fun times!
But, no, really, we had a great holiday (as I hope you did too), and I promise there will be more Confessions of a Stay-at-Home Mom to come in 2012. More recipes, more parenting posts, more random thoughts, more deep discussions (Faith? Politics? the world is our oyster), and some new avenues I'm excited to explore.
And of course, more chatting about television shows - because if there is one thing I've come to realize, I talk way too much about the shows I am passionate about. And I'm finding other people like talking about their fave shows too. Perhaps we can start discussion streams on the Facebook page during our favorite shows?
Ah! Ideas are just spewing from my mind. Make it stop!
So please: stick around. Stop back next week. Posts to come.
And more importantly, I'd love to hear from you. Leave a comment on this post, stop by the Facebook page or send me an email. I want to know how you are doing: How your holidays were, how your 2012 has started, what hopes and dreams you have for this year. What TV shows are you loving (or looking forward to)? Heck, I'd be interested to know what things you'd like to see on this here blog (particularly discussions you'd like to be involved in).
Share! Discuss! And see you next week!
And just because I can, here is a cutie-patooty pic of my girls that was on the Christmas cards we never actually sent!

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Hey! Share a thought or two - I'd love to hear from you! ~ Steph