With T-minus 2 days until Thanksgiving, I'm sure many of us are still scrounging around for recipe inspiration. What should I bring to my mother-in-law's for dessert? I have a holiday party on Saturday, I need an appetizer! I'm hosting Thanksgiving, and I need a good Turkey Roasting recipe!
Let's inspire one another, shall we?
I'm doing a call out for all YOUR Thanksgiving Recipes: Appetizers, Side Dishes, Main Meals and Dessert. Fill out the form below (submit as many recipes as you'd like), and I'll do a compilation of all the recipes I receive on Wednesday morning. You can look through all the submitted recipes with plenty of time to choose some, go grocery shopping for the ingredients, and getting it ready before the big day!
Can't wait to see what new recipes are shared!

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Hey! Share a thought or two - I'd love to hear from you! ~ Steph