Journey To Healthfied: Week 3/4 | Confessions of a Stay-At-Home Mom

August 3, 2011

Journey To Healthfied: Week 3/4

Last week we were on vacation, so I did not get to post.  Which is why this is week 3/4 check in.  Both weeks I was able to get to the Y twice, which is good but doesn't quite reach my goal of getting there at least 3 times a week.  But, I did make it (as well as a getting in a quick run while I was away).  And that's what matters.

I've said this before, but one of the benefits of having a gym membership is that even when I'm totally beat, I'm more motivated (and successful) in getting myself to a physical place to work out as opposed to trying to find some kind of home workout (work out video, run outside, etc).  The hardest part, when unmotivated, is just getting there.  Once I'm there, I'm a force not to be reckoned with.  If I bank on getting my workout in at home, I get distracted by a million things (not the least of which is a bowl of ice cream), and I am totally hindered from my goal.

So, thanks, Kennett YMCA, for keeping me motivated.


The Y:
Stretching Room

Other gyms I have been a member of have all their workout stuff in one big room.  Cardioweightsstretching.  It can be overwhelming, if not a bit intimidating.  The Kennett YMCA has each of those rooms separated into its own little space, but they are all interconnected.  It's kind of cool.

Before having the ability to stop and take in each work out component, I would just go in, do a quick stretch next to the cardio machine of my choice, hop on for a work out, and then possibly do some weight training if I was not too intimidated (more on the Weight Room next week). Now that I can compartmentalize the different aspects of working out, I can focus on doing each one.  

It organizes my work out for me.

Stretching is something I used to do, but didn't take too seriously. Sure, I didn't want to get a leg cramp, so I would quickly stretch out my muscles.  Now that I have an entire room at the Kennett YMCA dedicated just to stretching, I can stop to smell the roses.

OMG.  I love stretching.

I could stretch all day.  The Stretching Room is generally the more quiet of the 3 work out rooms. It's slow-paced (as stretching is a simple, relaxing act) and chill.  There are several large mats to stretch out on.  There are also some stretching machines and exercise balls for abdominal work outs.  The workout balls are good, as I usually convince myself that I'll "just do the abs workout at home." And that never happens.  The Stretching Room makes me slow down and focus. 

I focus on stretching (usually next to someone who could be dubbed The Human Pretzel, who has the ability to contort his or her body into some seemingly dangerous positions. Some people take their stretching very seriously).  I then go onto my cardio once I am sufficiently warmed up. And at the end of my work out, I come back in to cool down and do some ab work.  

"Ab work" being used very loosely here.

Sometimes, if one is available, I utilize the exercise balls.  Most of the time I do various crunches, aimed at lower abs, upper abs and obliques. 

Overall, the Stretching Room is one I have come to really enjoy!  Unlike the Weight Room, which I had to really push myself to start using. Check back next week for my experience!

OH!  And I've finally decided on an offcial Goal:  I am going to sign up for a 5k!  And my first 5k will be the Mushroom Festival 5k on Sunday, September 11 in Kennett Square.  Any Local Yokels want to run it with me?  More on the 5k training next week!

The Soundtrack
(I make no apologies for my random and awesome taste in music)

1.  Hurt - Johnny Cash
2.  Stacey's Mom - Fountains of Wayne
3.  Beverly Hills - Weezer
4.  Little Lion Man - Mumford and Sons
5.  Hip Hop Hooray - Naughty by Nature
6.  Curbside Prophet - Jason Mraz
7.  The Glory of Love - A New Found Glory
8.  Wannabe - Spice Girls
9.  King of Anything - Sara Bareilles
10. Mrs. Robinson - Simon and Garfunkel

Healthy/Healthifed Recipe

We all need to start the day right.  I love something simple, like eggs, fruit and a piece of whole wheat toast.  Sometimes it is cereal, other times it is homemade oatmeal.  One of our family downfalls is pancakes. WE LOVE PANCAKES.  So I've learned how to doctor them a bit so they are more healthy and full of stuff to PUMP. YOU. UP.

Which is why I call them Pumped Up Pancakes.  We've been making them from scratch recently, using a combination of whole wheat flour and almond flour.  But for those mornings when time is of the essence, I've used a ready-to-use pancake mix in the recipe:

Pumped Up Pancakes

"Just Add Water" Pancake and Waffle Mix (I usually prepare using the 12-18 pancake option)

3-4 TBS Wheat Germ

3-4 TBS Golden Flaxseed OR Flaxseed Meal

1/2 cup of chopped Almonds

2 tsp Brown Sugar

1 tsp Cinnamon

Combine pancake mix as directed on the box, preparing atleast enough for 12-18 pancakes. Add the rest of the ingredients and cook pancakes on hot griddle.

As of last Wednesday, I weighed in at 145 lbs, and I've maintained that this week. I'm not terribly sure how, since I did not make it to the gym as much I wanted to.  Perhaps it's being in the overall Healthified mindset?  It helps me make better choices daily!


More to come next week!  

How are you doing in your Journey to Healthified?  What did your week look like?  I'd love to hear about it - leave a comment to share your story!

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