Little Chica has a very particular taste in music. We can't get very far in the car before she states her requests and insists that I change the iPod to her liking. Our only problem is the communication barrier: Little Chica makes her music choices known using her versions of the song titles.
I've spent entire car rides flipping through each song, one by one, asking, "You mean this song? No? How about this song? No?" In the rear-view mirror, I see her definitively shaking her head at each incorrectly decoded song.
So, I thought it'd be fun to see if you were any more successful at figuring out Little Chica's song choices. I've chosen 4 today. There are plenty more. I'll share Little Chica's real-life versions of the song titles. These are actually the titles she uses to requests songs in the car. If you dare to try to figure it out you can leave a comment with your guesses. I'll post the real song titles tomorrow.
Good luck!
Little Chica's Name That Tune
1) Marion Jane
2) Stink My Life
3) Do You Have Time?
4) Hugs and Kisses
Don't forget to check back later today for a Simple Supper Recipe!

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