The Mom Pledge | Confessions of a Stay-At-Home Mom

June 10, 2011

The Mom Pledge

A few months ago, I wrote a post about
Mean Girls : how the hardships and ridicule we once faced on the playground years ago does not disappear when we grow up. Mean Girls still exist: in our Mommy Groups, our work place, our friend circles and, yes, even in the blogging world. Maybe especially in the blogging world. Or, for those who don't blog, the internet in general. It is so easy to hide behind blog posts, twitter messages, facebook statuses and online forums. The internet has helped Mean Girls not only exist, but thrive.

While Mean Girls exist (and let's be honest, they always will), we have the CHOICE not to be one. It is a conscious effort: to bite our tongue, to give the benefit of the doubt, to offer an encouraging word, to vow not to gossip, to walk a mile in their shoes. And friends, at times, this can be really, really difficult.

I've been surprised to find that when I try to see things from someone else's eyes - to see how things can be perceived, to understand the background and the issues of the heart - my attitude changes. But it takes stopping and thinking before acting (or speaking or typing) out.

This is why I appreciate the efforts The Mom Pledge Blog is making to "eradicate online bullying of Moms by Moms." This is a great community of women who are pledging to not only MAKE a difference but BE the difference. You can check out what "taking the pledge" means here.

I'd encourage all Mom's to consider taking this pledge. It's not just for bloggers - but anyone who uses the internet. And really - we need to let The Pledge filter into our offline lives and extend to ALL women.

As a good friend of mine always says, "Don't be bitter, be better." We need to be better Moms, better women. And it starts here!

Take the Pledge!

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