Hey friends. I was hoping to post more this week, but Bitty Bug is still working through this growth spurt, and it's really throwing us all off! I have a few quick moments, so I thought I'd jot a few thoughts down.
Many of you know, Sunday is Mother's Day. Yippee! In honor of this landmark holiday, the National Women's History Museum created a new online exhibit called "Profiles in Motherhood." They have asked several mothers for their thoughts on motherhood: working moms, stay-at-home moms, adoptive moms, foster moms, surrogate moms, military moms. I'd encourage you to check out this awesome exhibit. You might even recognize the Stay-at-Home Mom profile (spoiler alert: it's me).
It was awesome being able to honestly write out some thoughts on being a mom. As I wrote the essay, and with Mother's Day on the mind, I was welled up with appreciation of all the other kind of moms out there. Many days, I'm not sure how I survive. But when I look at what other moms face - going to work every day, spouses serving in the military, filing for adoption, etc - I am humbled. How wonderful it is to be apart of this Adventure in Parenthood with all of you!
I wanted to give you a chance to reflect on What Being a Mom Means To Me. Well, to you. Take any aspect of being a Mom: staying at home, working, breastfeeding, bottle feeding, attachment parenting, raising one child, raising several children, natural birth. The possibilities are endless. Next, I want you to write up your thoughts and emotions. It's kind of therapeutic.
Then, if you are brave enough to share your writings with the rest of the community, EMAIL IT TO ME. I will post all What Being a Mom Means To Me essays I receive in the month of May to comemorate Motherhood. I look forward to reading your stories - and for us all to learn from one another.
If you have a blog, write a post, and we can link to it from here.
Let MAY be the MONTH for MOM!
Email all essays to: moderndaydonnareed@gmail.com

M ultitasking...continuously
ReplyDeleteO rdinary everyday challenge
T eething. Nuff said.
H oping I am doing something right
E arly starts
R unning behind
H eating has become supersonic
O dours analysed
O ther mothers comparing
D efinitely the best hardest thing I have ever done
That should have been hearing- not heating!