But, in the past month or two, I've been kept from getting to a computer. We had been loaned a computer from my sister, which enabled me to come back to blogging with full force. She needed it back, and it left me with no way to really blog, as the other computers in our home are archaic. And by "archaic" I mean "pieces of crap." Our desktop, which my husband bought his freshmen year of college, can not load any videos from You Tube. If I am writing an email, it will freeze as I continue to type, so I have to stop, and then I can watch it catch up about 2 minutes later.
It can be very frustrating.
Roughly around the same time we lost the computer, Bitty Bug (who is now 5 months old. 5 MONTHS OLD. When did that happen?!?) had a rough patch. Why? Your guess is as good as mine. I initially chalked it up to the 4 month growth spurt meshing with a 3 month growth spurt. And it JUST. KEPT. GOING. Fussy. Disrupted eating. Disrupted sleep. No semblance of a schedule. For a mommy that really thrives on predictability and consistency, it was fairly difficult. I may or may not have cried a good bit.
And eaten a lot of chocolate.
Anyway, I missed blogging. A lot. I decided that I couldn't let these things hold me back. So, here I am. Bitty Bug is starting to even back out. Little Chica starts preschool orientation tomorrow (a 3-day trial week, with real school starting in September). And we are working on getting a new computer.
I know if you are reading this, you haven't given up on me. Thanks for sticking around. A Simple Supper Recipe will be posted tomorrow! And hopefully more posts to come!

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