Do you have some snow to spare (jk! lol! lylas! don't hate me!)? If so, you have the main ingredient to this frosty dessert! Hilary and Martha saw this on NBC10 news and sent me the recipe. Such alert readers. Gotta love them.
The recipe actually comes from one of my culinary heros, Paula Deen. She's amazing. Paula: If you ever stumble upon this humble, small-time blog, please know this: you are awesome. And I love you.
Let me know how this turns out for YOU!
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Tasty Treat Special Edition
Snow Ice Cream
- 8 cups snow (WHITE snow, people, not YELLOW or BROWN. Ick)
- 1 14-oz can of sweetened condensed milk
- 1 TBS vanilla extract (or chocolate syrup for chocolate ice cream)
Mix all together and enjoy!
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What a great and unique activity to do with home-bound snowday children! Fun!
Muchos gracias to my SIL and MIL (and NBC10 news) for giving us an awesome use for all this SNOW!
Now if only we can make it precipitate ice cream. My life would be complete.
Happy Snow Eating!

I actually have all the ingredients! I might have to give that a try soon. Thanks!