Ok - so I know I ask a lot of you. I ask you to check out my blog, read my blog, comment, and even send me recipes to try.
Well, I entered a few of my recipes into a contest on Foodista.com. Not sure how they will fare, but I've decided recently I need to be more adventurous.
So hold on to your hats!
Don't worry - I only used original recipes (ie: not yours if you've ever sent me one).
Will you check out the link below - it will link you to the recipes I have posted in the contest. If you think I'm worthy, will you vote for me?
And if you realllllly like me, maybe even chat it up on your blog or twitter?
That's only if you REALLY like me...
Here's the link to the entry recipes:

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Hey! Share a thought or two - I'd love to hear from you! ~ Steph