Guilty Pleasure #1 - The Learning Channel.
Most of my Guilty Pleasures are associated with one of two things (and on bad days, 2 of 2 things): Food and TV. Over time, I'm sure we'll come out with a lot of these tasty vittles in which we imbibe. But today, I share with you this:

I watch the Learning Channel.
A lot.
This is not such a secret. My husband is fully aware of this TLC addiction. Sometimes he is even suckered into watching a few shows here and there (when I hide the remote and he can't change the channel, poor guy). I'm fascinated by everything from Stacey and Clinton from "What Not to Wear" to the ever-controversial Jon and Kate Gosselin from "Jon and Kate Plus 8." [note: I don't want to start a controversy or debate over the show, but I want to state that, while I watch JK+8 often, I'd equate my fascination of the show to that of watching a car accident - it's a wreck and it makes you uncomfortable to watch, but you can't take your eyes off it. They are a mess.]
I've found myself intrigued by the Duggars decision to have 18+ children. I'm boggled by the amount of rare medical maladies that our world has, and that TLC has captured all of them, documentary-style, on film. I'm amazed that there are people who will allow you to tape their birth AND show it on TV. Is it possible I could really look 10 Years Younger than I do now?!?
I hate knowing that many of these shows are ridiculous, cheesy even, but I can't get enough of them.
Oh, TLC. We have quite the love/hate relationship.
What are your Guilty Pleasures?