Guilty Pleasure Tuesday | Confessions of a Stay-At-Home Mom

January 27, 2009

Guilty Pleasure Tuesday

We all have them. Guilty Pleasures. Those things in our lives that we partake in almost secretly, hoping that no one will find out our indiscretion(s). So here's a day of the week to celebrating those indescretions, and maybe in doing so, we'll find that we're not alone in our temptations :)

Guilty Pleasure #1 - The Learning Channel.

Most of my Guilty Pleasures are associated with one of two things (and on bad days, 2 of 2 things): Food and TV. Over time, I'm sure we'll come out with a lot of these tasty vittles in which we imbibe. But today, I share with you this:

I watch the Learning Channel.

A lot.

This is not such a secret. My husband is fully aware of this TLC addiction. Sometimes he is even suckered into watching a few shows here and there (when I hide the remote and he can't change the channel, poor guy). I'm fascinated by everything from Stacey and Clinton from "What Not to Wear" to the ever-controversial Jon and Kate Gosselin from "Jon and Kate Plus 8." [note: I don't want to start a controversy or debate over the show, but I want to state that, while I watch JK+8 often, I'd equate my fascination of the show to that of watching a car accident - it's a wreck and it makes you uncomfortable to watch, but you can't take your eyes off it. They are a mess.]

I've found myself intrigued by the Duggars decision to have 18+ children. I'm boggled by the amount of rare medical maladies that our world has, and that TLC has captured all of them, documentary-style, on film. I'm amazed that there are people who will allow you to tape their birth AND show it on TV. Is it possible I could really look 10 Years Younger than I do now?!?

I hate knowing that many of these shows are ridiculous, cheesy even, but I can't get enough of them.

Oh, TLC. We have quite the love/hate relationship.

What are your Guilty Pleasures?
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